Tuesday, April 20, 2010

For crying out loud I need a little peace around here!

Today, with spring having unfurled its shimmering buds and greening grasses, I am feeling the need to write about peace and inspiration. And that's not because I just watched the "Inspiration" (cough, cough) episode of American Idol. If anything, watching tonight's show might cause indigestion not inspiration, except for two of the contestants who managed to actually be real.

Enough of that. Truth is, I had a crappy day. It began with a five-year-old tantrum at 6 a.m., after a late night working and then tossing around in sleepless hell. Next up, some unpleasant exchanges with an editor at a new client, and then, a few hours later a trip to the dentist. Let’s not forget the whole gallon of milk that came crashing down from the top shelf of the fridge, exploding into large pools of sticky whiteness across the kitchen floor and cabinets. At this point, 3:30 p.m., my day actually began to get better.

I made chocolate chip butterscotch cookies with my kids, watched my tantrum child master her bike (without training wheels), and then enjoyed a crisp glass of South African Chenin Blanc (sitting down!) with a fun neighbor we haven't seen for a while. Finally, I settled down to a healthy dinner cooked by my loving and patient husband.

So all in all, the day was saved and I am ever so grateful. Every day needs a few moments in which one can find either true peace of mind (which incorporates forgiveness and a lack of self-loathing), or inspiration (yes, I am going to restart my novel and help my daughter finish her room-decorating project). When we are really lucky, we actually attain peace and inspiration all in one day or moment. I asked a few friends to share how they achieve a bit of peace or inspiration during an average day. I'm going to post their ideas below, and start with mine:

Polly’s Peace Prescription

Running, hiking or any form of exercise, looking at the mountains every morning from my window, watching my children sleep so peacefully, hanging out with good girlfriends, and a date night with spousal unit to reconnect as best friends.

From my meditative friend in San Mateo

A few minutes of silence. Watching one of my children learn something new. A mountain bike ride in God's country. Watching a frisbee glide through the air. Reading beautiful words on a page. Being with my wife - alone.

From a former colleague in New Hampshire

Getting up at 4 a.m. for morning coffee and a bit of free reading time before the rest of the world wakes up and wants a piece of me.

From my college roommate in SoCal

Watching children grow and learn is incredibly inspiring. They make me realize how many things in life I've already learned and accomplished...things I now take for granted. Take the simple task of walking. We do it every day w/o a thought, but watching a baby trying to learn to walk reminds me that it's really hard work.

From a good friend and semester abroad pal, in Boston, who happens to be a dog fanatic

Cuddling with my fur-babies, of course!

[Oh man, I agree. I do so miss my sweet golden Bella who passed away this winter]

From my highly-disciplined (damn you!) college roommate, in NoCal

Going for a run. The running part gets harder and harder as I get older, but after I'm done? Voila. Brand new person.

From my daughter's incredibly talented kindergarten teacher in San Mateo

I read a daily reflection for teachers. It always amazes me how much it helps me and makes me laugh. My husband meditates daily and he is the most positive guy I know. Lastly, YOGA!

From my deeply-grounded sister-in-law, in Idaho.

Time outdoors. No matter the weather, no matter the manner of conveyance (feet, skis, etc.). Or, a few minutes of noozle time with a treasured pet. Or, a minute to tell someone how much you love them.

Oh, that last remark rings so true, sister. Showing affection to a friend, spouse/partner, family member, pet, or neighbor is a fundamental way to feel truly connected with the universe. In my view, sharing compassion and love the highest form of peace and inspiration. Let's all do it just a little bit more.

For now, adieu, to you and you and you….

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